You’re Here For A Reason

My Books

 Reconnect with who you really are, with the universe and its wisdom, and with the magic inherent in all existence.

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The Secrets of The Seasons

We need this book now—more than ever.

Today, our Mother Earth is giving us a time-out to go to our corners and think about what we have done, and she is compelling us to wake up and to remember that we are all connected from the global markets and economies to the air we inhale and exhale.

One day we will realize that there is nothing more important in the world than knowing that each of us has a gift and that we are all here to support each other to fulfill that gift.

The Secrets of the Seasons can help a sleepwalking world awaken and live a life of passion, purpose, and magic. There is an ancient yet easily testable way of bringing love and joy back into the world. We can use it to come together and shake people from their slumber while initiating a new paradigm of consciousness and capitalism, loving respect, and a better life for all.

A Look Inside

When embraced and understood, the power and simplicity of these secrets—as given to Lawrence Ford and as shared with you in this book, will transform your life.

By embodying the deep meaning and transformative potential these secrets have for all of our lives, and by learning to make use of the upgraded big picture reality co-creation operating system that underlies this set of ancient wisdom-based roadmaps, we can come to live whole, in peace and prosperity, individually and collectively, as ourselves, our families, and the whole world.

Like every snowflake, the special song your soul sings is completely unique to you, just as your reason for being here is unique to you. Throughout the entirety of our physical existence on earth—through all the twists and turns on all the pathways that each of us goes down as we move through the cyclical seasons of our lives—we are guided to remember our soul’s unique song and our reason for being here. You can tune into that knowledge at any moment of your life—including right now—just as you can tune into the pure love you knew yourself to be upon being born and for quite some time after that.

As Lawrence Ford reminds us, “You are here for a reason.”


1 – Introduction: You’re Here For A Reason

2 – The Four Seasons

3 – Ancient Wisdom: Keepers as Modern Guides and Teachers

4 – Aligning Doing with Being in the Second Season

5 – A Lifelong Dream

6 – Kathmandu … But my Fate: To Do Not

7 – Waking in the Third Season – Breakthrough

8 – The Fourth Season and the Soul System Operating Map

9 – Summary of Lessons in Principles

10 – Individual and Collective Co-Creation of Our Best Possible Futures


Praise for 'The Secrets of The Seasons'

“Lawrence Ford’s book is a poignant reminder that we all have a divine purpose and reason for being here. It is a gift of a lifetime of hard-won insight and wisdom that is grounded in the courageous vulnerability of a beautiful, perceptive, and compassionate being. His only desire is to assist us (the reader) on our own personal pilgrimage through life’s seasons to manifest our unique destiny.”

Will Kennedy

Senior Program Officer, United Nations

In this book Lawrence Ford boldly transcends the trivial conversations surrounding leadership and success. He invites us to traverse unseen worlds by magnifying the magic that it is to be alive. This is a MUST-READ for anyone who is deeply interested in manifesting his or her greatest gifts on earth, for it reminds us that behind the veil of perception, there is a reality waiting to be encountered. Beautifully written, accessible, and straight from the heart—his words will find homes for themselves in the places in you that matter most.

Srini Pillay, MD

Harvard-trained psychiatrist, brain researcher, technology entrepreneur, and author of Tinker Dabble Doodle Try: Unlock the Power of the Unfocused Mind

Aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba stated: ‘Every master, regardless of the era or the place, heard the call and attained harmony with heaven and earth.’ He adds, ‘There are many paths leading to the top of Mount Fuji, but there is only one summit—Love.’ In this compelling, open-hearted and masterful work, Lawrence Ford guides us to attain harmony between our highest aspirations (Heaven) and the reality of our everyday lives (Earth). Wherever you are in your ascent, and whatever path you are on, Ford’s profound stories will inspire and energize every step you take. Infused with loving consciousness, The Secrets of the Seasons serves as a spiritual compass directing us toward the summit of our own fulfillment.

Michael J. Gelb

Aikido 5th dan, and author, How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci

“Lawrence Ford’s book is a poignant reminder that we all have a divine purpose and reason for being here. It is a gift of a lifetime of hard-won insight and wisdom that is grounded in the courageous vulnerability of a beautiful, perceptive, and compassionate being. His only desire is to assist us (the reader) on our own personal pilgrimage through life’s seasons to manifest our unique destiny.”

Raj Sisodia

Head Of Marketing Cofounder of Conscious Capitalism, Coauthor, The Healing Organization: Awakening the Conscience of Business to Help Save the World and Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family

In The Secrets of the Seasons, Lawrence Ford skillfully weaves his own experience as an investor with the questions that challenge each of us: How do we connect more fully with ourselves and community? How do we navigate questions of capital and wealth management with meaning and purpose? By presenting us with reflections on his own journey, Lawrence helps us explore our experience of the seasons as we move through and as we address the paths we take in our lives. Just a pleasure to read and a great contribution in these challenging times.”

Jed Emerson

Author of Purpose of Capital: Elements of Impact, Financial Flows and Natural Being

An old proverb says, To be fully human, we must make room within ourselves for the Universe to enter.’ Through the story of his own awakening, Lawrence Ford powerfully illustrates why it’s critical that we become fully human — for our own sakes, and for the urgent sake of changing the collective dream we’re in — while also illuminating how, through a balance of ancient wisdom, modern thought, and personal insight. A timely and authentic read.”

Claudia Welss

Chairman, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and, Chair, Invest in Yourself at NEXUS Global

In my daily work, shamans never came to my mind, that is, until I met Lawrence Ford. His book comes out as half of humanity is under confinement, and we face the worst health and economic crisis of our lifetime. We awake to the realization that we are all interconnected and need borderless solidarity. We are all asking ourselves what can I, individually and collectively, do? In his ‘You are here for a reason,’ Lawrence uses his personal (painful) journey and shaman initiation to offer us tools and concepts to help guide us to use our unique gifts to support ourselves, each other, and our communities to rebuild more equal, inclusive, and sustainable economies.

Chantal-Line Carpentier

Chief, UNCTAD New York Office of the Secretary General, United Nations

An amazing book about waking up—in the very deepest sense—written by a man who’s mastered the ways of Wall Street and the secrets of the shaman’s journey. His story is all of our stories, from the dark night of the soul to the inner fire of certainty that life has real purpose and that the world needs our gift.

Judy Rodgers

International Projects, The Brahma Kumaris, Founder, Images & Voices of Hope

“This book will help you reconnect with who you really are, with the universe and its wisdom, and with the magic inherent in all of existence. With his keen insights, helpful practices, and respect for the wisdom of ancient traditions, Lawrence invites all of us to rediscover ourselves and how we are all connected to each other and to all of the natural world.”

Kurian Thomas

Vice President, Spiritual Transformation, Fetzer Institute

A courageous, personal testament to the importance of recognizing the higher purposes we choose to guide our lives. Our globalized connectivity has brought us together in real time and demands our full attention and global cooperation. Whatever the self-inflicted crises cognitively challenged humans have created, from pandemics to the climate crisis, our planet is now our programmed learning environment, teaching us directly. The lesson: expanding our awareness and becoming fully conscious of all our ethical imperatives for our common future.

Hazel Henderson

FRSA, author, Mapping the Global Transition to the Solar Age and other books, CEO, Ethical Markets Media

“The Secrets of the Seasons is a book of its time. Lawrence has made this book personal, while at the same time giving us the steps that can help us cultivate our uniqueness. There is an awakening across this planet, and this book lights the fire of possibility that lives within.

Let the journey begin!”

Jyoti Ma

Grandmother, Vision Keeper of The Fountain

“A thought-provoking and timely reminder from the Shaman of Wall Street of why we are all here. If you have the courage to read it, this book will change your world.”

Richard Barrett

Managing Director of the Academy for the Advancement of Human Values

Lawrence Ford, for the first time, discloses his fascinating personal quest exploring the Yin and the Yang of both Wall Street’s asset management practice and Himalayan shamanism. A recommended read for everyone who subscribes to the idea that a change in perspectives is worth 80 IQ points and for those who aspire to stay relevant in our challenging times.

Björn Larsson

CEO, The ForeSight Group, Coauthor, The Rise of the Meaningful Economy & Changing the World We Create

“It is true. There are seasons to each of our lives. What we lack today is a tradition of elders we allow to elder us. Lawrence is one. He does it mainly by telling his story, especially of his awakening into the Third Season most of us in our modern societies do not even know exists.”

Terry Mollner

A Founder of Calvert Social Funds, Author, Our Mutual Blind Spot Since Our Invention of Words
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