My Books
Reconnect with who you really are, with the universe and its wisdom, and with the magic inherent in all existence.
The Secrets of The Seasons
We need this book now—more than ever.
Today, our Mother Earth is giving us a time-out to go to our corners and think about what we have done, and she is compelling us to wake up and to remember that we are all connected from the global markets and economies to the air we inhale and exhale.
One day we will realize that there is nothing more important in the world than knowing that each of us has a gift and that we are all here to support each other to fulfill that gift.
The Secrets of the Seasons can help a sleepwalking world awaken and live a life of passion, purpose, and magic. There is an ancient yet easily testable way of bringing love and joy back into the world. We can use it to come together and shake people from their slumber while initiating a new paradigm of consciousness and capitalism, loving respect, and a better life for all.

A Look Inside
When embraced and understood, the power and simplicity of these secrets—as given to Lawrence Ford and as shared with you in this book, will transform your life.
By embodying the deep meaning and transformative potential these secrets have for all of our lives, and by learning to make use of the upgraded big picture reality co-creation operating system that underlies this set of ancient wisdom-based roadmaps, we can come to live whole, in peace and prosperity, individually and collectively, as ourselves, our families, and the whole world.
Like every snowflake, the special song your soul sings is completely unique to you, just as your reason for being here is unique to you. Throughout the entirety of our physical existence on earth—through all the twists and turns on all the pathways that each of us goes down as we move through the cyclical seasons of our lives—we are guided to remember our soul’s unique song and our reason for being here. You can tune into that knowledge at any moment of your life—including right now—just as you can tune into the pure love you knew yourself to be upon being born and for quite some time after that.
As Lawrence Ford reminds us, “You are here for a reason.”
Audio Sample
1 – Introduction: You’re Here For A Reason
2 – The Four Seasons
3 – Ancient Wisdom: Keepers as Modern Guides and Teachers
4 – Aligning Doing with Being in the Second Season
5 – A Lifelong Dream
6 – Kathmandu … But my Fate: To Do Not
7 – Waking in the Third Season – Breakthrough
8 – The Fourth Season and the Soul System Operating Map
9 – Summary of Lessons in Principles
10 – Individual and Collective Co-Creation of Our Best Possible Futures